Class Participation

CLASS PARTICIPATION (20pts, 20% of grade)
Discussion Lead  (see Syllabus>Class Schedule for assigned week)   |   10 pts

General Class Participation (at instructor’s discretion)  | 10 pts


Discussion Lead (10pts) Each week one or two undergrads and a grad student will be assigned as discussion leaders. The discussion leaders are responsible for leading the discussion over specific pieces of assigned content. To do this, please go to the google slides template and find your assigned week and fill in the slides with the required information.

In the google slides template you’ll find:

  • Two sets of slides (orange and blue) for two pieces of undergrad assigned content. If more than two pieces was assigned pick the one you want to cover (coordinate with you fellow undergrad).
  • One set (teal) for one piece of graduate-only assigned content. If more than one piece was assigned pick one to cover.

**If you are the only undergrad lead on your week, you only need to cover one piece of content (not two).

I will review and assign points based on the rubric below.

The completed template is due before the start of class on your assigned day. You do not need to print the template or send me a link—I’ll access google slides during class. The templates will be used to help guide the class discussion that day and serve as a class resource for the midterm exam.


General Class Participation (10 pts) In addition, you are expected to regularly attend class and generally contribute to class discussions and activities.


Discussion Lead Rubric

10 Template is complete and demonstrates a clear, thoughtful understanding and/or strong attempt at understanding the content.
9 Template is complete and demonstrates basic understanding and/or some attempt at understanding the content.
5-8 Template is partially complete and demonstrates some understanding of the content.
0-4 Did not do assignment, barely filled out template, or turned it in late.